This is a list of the YouTube Premiers happening throughout the day. This page will become a list of all the known videos premiereing, zoom events and other livestream events throughout the day! If it’s going online and can be seen anywhere in the world (ticketed or otherwise) get in touch and I’ll it to this list! If it’s on YouTube and a Premiere I can add it to the playlist in advance. This page is being updated – so it might look a little messy for a few days as we figure out the best way to present all the information!
Some zoom events may be streamed to YouTube. Some YouTube Events might get “screen shared in Zoom so people can chat! The Zoom link is available by donation. (This can be as small as £1 and is to discourage spammers and goes to the upkeep of the website and the Zoom link).

Sunday 28th April 2024

Times on this page are UK BST.
(This is five hours ahead of eastern and one hour behind European CET)

Time Zoom Time YouTube
10:30-13:30 Tokyo Scandi Session, Tokyo Japan  23:00 Alyssa Rodriguez & Eivor Erkas – slängpolska efter Johan Jakob Bruun
    11:15   NNN – News Update
    11:30   Byss-Calle No. 26 – Rasmus Hemström & Vicki Swan
11:45 Getting ready for the Global Tune 11:45 Start of the Global Brudmarsch efter Jonas Johansson videostream
12:00 The Global Brudmarsch efter Jonas Johansson 12:00 The Global Brudmarsch efter Jonas Johansson
12:15 Session: Vicki Swan – Tunes from the Halsway Top 40 session pad. 12:15 The Rose of Savoy by Jane Parry
  12:30 A Belman’s Song by Ravenscroft – Carol Jones
  12:45   Byss-Calle No 44 by Anci Nordwall and Vicki Swan
13:00 Workshop: Alyssa Rodriguez 13:00 Kpop on the nyckelharpa Emelie Waldken
  13:15 Bast Minuet – Jane Parry
  13:30 Uti i Vår Hage – Tauno from Taiwan
  13:39 Byss-Calle No 38 – Ute Gosch-Adler
  13:45 Byss-Calle No 53 – Vicki Swan
14:00 Live Zoom Event from Källunge Church on Gotland: Nyckelharpa from Källunge 1350’s and today.
The event will start streaming at 14:15-14:45. The meeting is open all day.
14:00 No-one Escapes Perry the Partridge
  14:15  Jos Koning – A tribute to Bert Aalbers
  14:30 Tunes and a Chat with David Chadwick, Kirsty Money and Vicki Swan
15:00 Kirsty Money to lead a Zoom workshop 15:00 Byss-Calle No. 33 – Didier François
  15:15 Resonans barokconsort: the Nyckelharpa retaliation
  15:30 Resonans Consort Worldmusic plays IPA gubben
  15:45 Vicki & Jonny’s session for World Nyckelharpa Day 2024 – The Playford Dancing Master
16:00 Regina Kunkel to lead a Zoom Workshop  
  16:15 Linda Hall – Beau Nash
  16:30 Byss-Calle No. 45 – David Chadwick & Vicki Swan
  16:45 Byss-Calle No. 29 – Amy Håkanson
17:00 Esbjörn Hogmark has kindly agreed to come and talk about the UNESCO project: UNESCO – Intangible Cultural Heritage “The Nyckelharpa Network” an innovative dissemination of a music and instrument-building tradition Register of Good Safeguarding Practices 17:00

Catch Club! ⬅︎ Music!
 Canon for Vicki – Vicki, David, Kirsty & Leanne


Canon for Vicki – Playthrough video


 Canon for Vicki – Minus1 video


Canon for Vicki – Trio by Vicki!

  17:15 The Fields of Yarrow and The Red Barn – Jane Parry
  17:30 Nyckelharpa meets Didgeridoo – Anna Breger
  17:45 Kongurei Tuvan meets Sweden – Emelie Waldken
    17:45 All you need to know about the Nyckelharpa – Jean Darbois
Blue Serpentine – Jean Darbois
Nyckels en Amérique – Jean Darbois
18:00 American Nyckelharpa Association Zoom 18:00  
19:00 19:00  
20:00 Concert by Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer 20:00  
21:00 Closing of the Global Zoom Café    

The World Nyckelharpa Day Zoom Cafe

This year we are introducing Zoom to the World Nyckelharpa Day. The idea is to have a space that nyckelharpa players around the world can come and meet each other for a chat and a tune. We have different planned events throughout the day. We kick off with a session from Tokyo, the Global Tune and then have workshops by Vicki Swan, Alyssa Rodriguez, Kirsty Money and Regina Kunkel. Then we have the American Nyckelharpa Association Zoom Jam and a concert given by Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer. We also go to Källunge in Sweden and hear from the amazing Esbjörn Hogmark!

There will be different Zoom rooms open, so you can choose to chat, play some tunes or take part in the planned events. 

Entry to the Zoom: The link will be sent by donation. This donation can be as little as £1 and gets you the link. The donation should help prevent Zoom bombers and goes towards the upkeep of the website and for the Zoom cost.

The Zoom Cafe Opens at 10:30am UK time

The Tokyo Scandi Session – 10:30am UK time

STOP PRESS! We are opening the Zoom meeting up early and you will be able to join the Tokyo Scandi Session in Zoom from 10:30am. This session will stay open and in a room so you can jump in and out if you like. Other preparations will be happening in the main room. A chatting room will also be opened up.

The Global Brudmarsch efter Jonas Johansson – 12pm UK time

Join in with the Global Brudmarsch efter Jonas Johansson. Either join us in Zoom and take part live or watch the Livestream into YouTube. Film yourself playing this tune and then send it in for us to edit together into a global mosaic. You have from now until the 3rd May to send in your video. After this Vicki will lead some tunes from the Top 40 pdf from the Halsway Manor tunes pad.

This time slot will be streamed into YouTube and available after the event.

Workshop: Alyssa Rodriguez – 1pm UK time

Alyssa Rodriguez a.k.a “The Fiddle Witch” plays traditional and original Nordic folk music on the Swedish nyckelharpa. In 2020, she was awarded a prestigious U.S. Fulbright Fellowship to study and research Nordic Folk Music at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland. She has studied the Swedish nyckelharpa with many riksspelman (world renowned nyckelharpa players) and is studying nyckeharpa at the year-long folk music course at the Eric Sahlström Institute 2023-2024. She has headlined multiple Scandinavian festivals and released two EPs of original and traditional music.
Donations to Alyssa: PayPal.me/fiddlewitch OR Venmo: @Alyssa-Rodriguez-007

Field Trip to Källunge Church! – 2pm UK time

Anders Persson, Sofia Lilja and Olov Gibson in conjunction with Roxy Folk leading a field trip to see the nyckelharpa carving at Källunge Church on the Island of Gotland! It’s the oldest representation of a nyckelharpa and is in the doorway to the church. We will also see and hear how Olov Gibson was inspired to create a nyckelharpa of this instrument. This is a really exciting chance to meet the little carving! Don’t miss it! (Although this is written in for 14:00, this will actually be starting at 14:15). If you’re on Gotland you can go and be part of their celebration which starts much earlier in the day!

Workshop: Kirsty Money – 3pm UK time

Kirsty Money, originally from British Columbia in Canada, studied violin with Sydney Humphreys at the Victoria Conservatory of Music, and has further degrees from McGill and Western Universities, as well as my LRSM (UK). Currently a member of the first violin section of Symphony Nova Scotia.

Kirsty’s interest in Early Music and living with the Folk Traditions in Nova Scotia, also inspired her to take up playing the Swedish Nyckelharpa, an instrument dating from Medieval Northern Europe. Since 2015 I has studied the instrument and its traditional repertoire from Sweden intensely. Through grants from the Canada Council and Arts Nova Scotia Kirsty has been to nyckelharpa workshops and festivals in Sweden, the UK and Germany. Principal mentors include Olov Johansson, Josefina Paulson, Magnus Holmström, David Eriksson, and Vicki Swan.

Workshop: Regina Kunkel – 4pm UK time

Regina Kunkel is a German nyckelharpa player and teacher. After completely falling in love with the instrument, she started to dive deep into Swedish folk music and took every opportunity to learn from the best. Nowadays she also loves to share repertoire from her home country which is slowly being rediscovered and brought back to life. Her focus is on strong melody playing, groove and discovering the full sound potential of the nyckelharpa.

She has played concerts throughout Europe with her projects Akleja and Fior and has tought workshops at many different places (Nürnberger Borduntage, Nyckelharpawochenende, Sommerbordunale, etc.)
Donations to Regina: Paypal.me/Akleja

Talk: Esbjörn Hogmark and UNESCO – 5pm UK time

Esbjörn Hogmark has kindly agreed to come and talk about the UNESCO project: UNESCO – Intangible Cultural Heritage “The Nyckelharpa Network” an innovative dissemination of a music and instrument-building tradition Register of Good Safeguarding Practices.

Esbjörn Hogmark is a professional nyckelharpa manufacturer and nyckelharpa player from Uppland. He was a scholar and friend of Eric Sahlström. 1998, he was one of the founders of the Eric Sahlström Institute and is now member of the board. Together with family members he plays in the ensemble “Hogmarkarna” (the Hogmarks). Esbjörn is the mastermind and driving force behind the successful application to have the Nyckelharpa Network recognised as intangible cultural heritage, 2023.  https://hogmark.com/

The American Nyckelharpa Association Zoom Jam – 6-8pm UK time

Music for the Zoom Jam is available here
Also check out the ANA website.

 The ANA Zoom Jam Session has a lovely line up of leaders! Bruce Sagan, Ben Teitelbaum, Leslie Foley, Sheila Morris, Bernd & Beate Segnitz

Leslie Foley: Leslie got her start, as did many, with the generous and talented Bart Brashers. She has played the nyckelharpa around the Seattle area for about 10 years. Besides learning the basics (and then some) from Bart, she has taken limited  instruction from Ben Teitelbaum and Josefina Paulson. 

Bruce Sagan: Bruce Sagan is a respected player of Scandinavian music on fiddle, nyckelharpa, and hardingfele.  He has taught and performed throughout the US, Europe, and Australia.  He has been awarded the Zorn diploma in bronze for his fiddle playing.  Bruce was the co-founder and music director of the Scandinavian Week at Buffalo Gap camp.  His 4 albums have won critical acclaim on both sides of the Atlantic.  In a review of his second CD the Swedish folk music magazine Spelmannen said he played “som en inföding”, that is, “like a native”.  

Ben Teitelbaum: Benjamin Teitelbaum is Associate Professor of Musicology and International affairs and former Head of Nordic Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder. He is author of Lions of the North (Oxford University Press) and War for Eternity (Penguin/HarperCollins). His commentary on politics appears in The Wall Street JournalThe Atlantic and The New York Times. He studied nyckelharpa at the Eric Sahlström Institute and the Royal College of Music Stockholm and is especially interested in the music traditions of northern Värmland.  http://www.benjaminteitelbaum.com/ 

Sheila Morris: Like many other Americans, Sheila got her first nyckelharpa after an encounter with Bart Brashers.  She has been playing since 1994, primarily for the Scandinavian dance group in Boulder, CO.  Her primary focus is the traditional nyckelharpa repertoire from Uppland.

Bernd & Beate Segnitz: Bernd got to know and love the Nyckelharpa during a cultural exchange in Sweden. His musical path on this instrument began in the early 1990s when he built a nyckelharpa himself, which he played for more than 20 years.
His wife Beate later followed this path by purchasing a Nyckelharpa, built by Eric Sahlström. They both love this music, which they have learned and deepened in countless courses in Sweden and Germany with the best teachers.

Concert: Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer – 8pm UK time

Vicki and Jonny are two of the most versatile musicians of the folk circuit today, a on stage – and now online, the duo are recognised for the high quality of their polished concerts; not only by their charismatic singing and playing but also by their involving, winning presence and easy rapport, their polished delivery that genuinely respects their listeners, and their lively, informed backstories. At one end of the entertainment spectrum Vicki & Jonny can also be spotted at castles and properties around the country as medieval minstrels and at the other on the silver screen with recordings and appearances at the cinema for Holywood movies, Netflix, Channel 5, ITVx and the BBC! In this hour long concert Vicki will attempt to tune and play as many different nyckelharpas as possible!

WND Zoom Cafe
10:30 am10:30 am – 11:45 amOpening up of the WND Zoom Cafe and straight into the Tokyo Scandi Session!
10:45 am
11:00 am
11:15 am
11:30 am
11:45 am11:45 am – 12:45 pmThe Global Brudmarsch efter Jonas Johansson followed by Vicki leading tunes from the Halsway Top 40 pad.
12:00 pm
12:15 pm
12:30 pm
1:00 pm1:00 pm – 1:45 pmAlyssa Rodriguez to lead a workshop
1:15 pm
1:30 pm
2:00 pm2:00 pm – 2:45 pmNyckelharpa from Källunge 1350’s and today Live event from Källunge Church on Gotland! The event will start streaming at 14:15-14:45 But the meeting is open all day.
2:15 pm
2:30 pm
3:00 pm3:00 pm – 3:45 pmKirsty Money – workshop!
3:15 pm
3:30 pm
4:00 pm4:00 pm – 4:45 pmRegina Kunkel – workshop!
4:15 pm
4:30 pm
5:00 pm5:00 pm – 5:45 pmEsbjörn Hogmark has kindly agreed to come and talk about the UNESCO project: UNESCO – Intangible Cultural Heritage “The Nyckelharpa Network” an innovative dissemination of a music and instrument-building tradition Register of Good Safeguarding Practices
5:15 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm6:00 pm – 8:00 pmThe American Nyckelharpa Association Zoom Jam. You can get the link on this site or via the ANA.
6:15 pm
6:30 pm
6:45 pm
7:00 pm
7:15 pm
7:30 pm
7:45 pm
8:00 pm8:00 pm – 8:55 pmVicki & Jonny Concert
8:15 pm
8:30 pm
8:45 pm
9:00 pm9:00 pm – 9:45 pmAvailable… Who wants to do a workshop or lead a session at this time?
9:15 pm
9:30 pm