World Nyckelaharpa Day – 16 days to go!
It’s time to get those videos in! The Online Events listing is now open and being populated with videos.
The In Person Events Listing is also open and events being added.
If you have an In Person Event and it’s going to be Live-streamed – we’ll add it to both lists!
To get your video added you can either send it in to us here at WND-HQ and we will add the lead in and outro, upload it to YouTube and set the premiere time. Or if you have your own YouTube channel you can upload it to yours, schedule it as a premiere and send us the link. We want to spread the videos out throughout the day – so choose a time that isn’t already taken.
Check out what is already there!
We have the Global Spikens Vals livestream that will be edited into a global mosaic. You can send your video in already! Click here for the details. You have until the 30th April to send your Spikens Vals for editing.
There is always space for any Byss-Calle tune – but there are still the elusive few to complete the 57 – will this be the year we finish it?
We are really excited that on Sunday evening Emelia Ampere will be premiering a specially filmed concert. More details on the link for that as soon as we know it!
Don’t forget to add yourself to the map!
Although 18 days seems like a long time – it would make life much easier if there was a steady stream of videos between now and then rather than them all arriving at the last minute. To guarantee inclusion please send your video by Wednesday 19th April for emails uploaded by us and Friday 21st April if you just need us to put up a link.
We look forward to getting your videos to include in the Playlist!
Lots of Love
Vicki & the Team